Monday, January 13, 2025

New Year's Resolutions

Yay! It's a new year.  Goodbye 2024.  Hello 2025.  Oh, how I used to love the new year.  A fresh start.  Starting over.  New Year Resolutions.  Read the bible more.  Get fit.  Get out of debt.  That's pretty much the gist of them every year.  Maybe one year I'll actually be "resolute" about them.  I think that's the problem with setting resolutions.  Most of the time they are treated as a wish list of things I wish would happen but forget about the important bit of being resolute with your resolutions.  (Oh, I do hope that made sense.)

Another thing is the naysayers that say not to even make them because you won't stick with them.  Well, even if I don't, I think there is some benefit to making them.  I've made two specific ones this year:
        1. Make a $100,000
        2. Walk 10 minutes a day.

Will I be successful with these? Possibly. Probable?  I have no idea.  I was very unsuccessful with #1 last year.  VERY UNSUCCESSFUL.  I should be mostly successful with the walking one. (Although I have already missed several days this year.  I only decided about the 10 minutes a day on the 4th.  Started on the 5th.  Another day it was cold and rainy and since I had been pretty sick recently I didn't want to chance it.  I could have cleaned off the treadmill, but I did not. Probably would have been more strenuous to clean off the treadmill than to do the walk.)

The goal is to walk a minimum of 10 minutes everyday this year.  A secondary goal is to add five minutes each month.  So in February, it would be walking 15 minutes every day.  In March it would be 20 minutes and so on until December where it would be one hour and five minutes.  After January, if  there is a day that I will not be able to walk the amount of time for that month, there is still the primary goal of walking a minimum of 10 minutes a day.  

That is the plan for the walking.  The plan for the money?  Working on it.  

In addition to the two specific goals, I made a pretty big list of things that I would like to be taken care of by the end of the year.  So many appliances to replace.  Another year of praying the air conditioner holds on.  So many things to do.  Part of what that $100,000 is to do.  This is the year.  Yes, I tell myself that every year.  Of course this is the year.  It's the one we have. This is the year!

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New Year's Resolutions

Yay! It's a new year.  Goodbye 2024.  Hello 2025.  Oh, how I used to love the new year.  A fresh start.  Starting over.  New Year Resolu...